It was a pleasure last June to participate in the most recent edition of Poesiæuropa, an annual residency on the beautiful Polvese Island on Lake Trasimeno, Umbria. This event, somewhere between a conference and a festival, proved to be a remarkable week-long series of talks, readings and debates. It was a privilege to share the week with poets, writers and thinkers not only from Italy but also from the United States, Cuba, Serbia and Singapore, to savour new ideas and new literatures in such exquisite surrounds. My thanks to the inestaimable Maria Borio and her team for producing such a welcoming, smoothly-run event from start to finish.

The beauty of Isola Polvese in the evening.

Great food with great people

American friends Megan Kaminski and Kevin Lichty

Late night reading in the ruined Abbey.

Cuban friends.

The lake in late afternoon

The green path to the castle